Project Canefire workers are not only equipped to dig water wells and do construction work, we also build a relationship with the people we come in contact with.

  • When they see us pray and worship alongside them in their village church it enables us to show and share our Love of God with them.
  • We have organized and conducted meetings similar to our Vacation Bible School with the children and adults. We have had up to 400 attend. They hear Bible stories and do various crafts. We also provide them with educational books, and supplies, i.e.: paper and pencils, crayons, Bible related coloring books, and of course Bibles.
  • We've brought the Nationals together to watch Christian movies in an "outdoor theater"
  • Working through local churches we have been able to donate hundreds of articles of clothing, eye glasses, shoes and work boots to the impoverished families. These basic items lift their self-esteem and aid them in working and supporting their families.
  • Every well site receives a "cross of stone" in the cement.

"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NIV)

© Copyright 2010 - Project Canefire, Inc.